inspired by the road less traveled the new for fall scenic route series takes the story of the nativ brand and merges it with a vintage mountain vibe for an all around classic combination. safe travels out there friends. embrace the lost
we are in tune with the truth that every individual carries the place of their roots with them throughout life. it is our mission to provide high quality, relaxed, and stylish apparel featuring original designs inspired by that place called “home”. we respect the strength in the simplicity of statement, the freedom of individualistic expression, and the unassuming confidence of cool. it is a simple fact: few are adventurers, some are explorers, many are wanderers, all are nativ.
nativ was born on the roads and trails of America and through the realization that wherever one may roam the place of your roots is with you always. the place that’s home is more than a location but also a spirit that is a part of who you are, how you see the world, and encourages exploration.
arkansas nativ ~ duck camo
switchback ~ charcoal
shoreline ~ ash
roam free ~ heather navy
backroads ~ storm blue
welcome to the nativ hometeam!!